
“Marketing Without Data Is Like Driving With Your Eyes Closed”
-Dan Zarella


Creating “ideas married with integrated marketing campaigns” utilizing print, radio, television and digital to grow and promote a brand, a product and / or a service of a business effectively and efficiently. These skills include: media negotiation, buying and the posting of media results.


Conception to completion; create, write, produce, and direct across all media platforms. Creating display ads and concepts for digital, print and outdoor advertising. Creating, writing and directing independent television and radio commercials for branding and call to action ads.
Brand Dev 1
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Brand Dev 8

Brand Developement

Drawing from both successes and failures has created a appreciation for brands and how somesoar and some dive. Brand development is part science and part gut. Sometimes the best idea fora brand is the simplest idea and other solutions takemore research and development plus a little luck.

Weat Marion Marketing Global learn a lot about our clientswhich in turn leads us to mutually devise a strategy togrow their brand affordably responsive to the changesin the market place, always thinking ahead.